Journey To Ragnarok Pdf Download Free

Journey To Ragnarok Pdf Download Free
Journey To Ragnarok Pdf Download Free

About the d24 RuneDice and the Roll20 Stretch Goal
over 4 years ago – Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 12:23:37 AM

7 Days until the end of the Campaign: 677 Backers,  642% Funded!!!

You're near to unlock the d24 RuneDice stretch goal!
To thank you for your support, we decided to put a free d24 RuneDie in every Aesir and Yggdrasil pledge!

 The d24 RuneDice will be also available as add-ons for 5€ (around 5,47$) each.

Roll20 Stretch Goal

We're planning a Roll20 package with maps and tokens as a stretch goal for the 800% step, in free download (for Backers that have the PDF version in their reward).

Please let us know if you're interested in the Roll20 package in the comments or on the Facebook page!

Thanks to all of you!

600% Funded! Twilight Of Doom Unlocked!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 10:32:42 PM

629 Backers, 600% funded! You have unlocked the "Twilight of Doom" stretch goal, and we decided to set it FREE for all the Backers to thank you for your amazing support!

Twilight of Doom is an Adventure playble also by a multi-tables party! You'll be able to fight The Final Battle of the Ragnarok together with all your friends or at events/conventions!
For now, we decided to deliver it in PDF format.

The next step now is to produce the d24 RuneDice, unique collectible piece both for dice and runes lovers, designed for our Rune Divination System!

Thanks to all of you!!!

500% Funded! Artbook Unlocked - Next Stretch Goals Reaveled!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 10:46:27 PM

520 Backers made it possible! Thanks to all of you!!!

The Artbook "The Art of Journey To Ragnarok" is now available as an Add-on!!!

We also reveal the next stretch goals!

 If we reach them, we're writing "The Twilight of Doom" Adventure, playble both by a single and a multi-tables party! You'll be able to fight The Final Battle of the Ragnarok together with all your friends or at events/conventions!

The next step is to produce the d24 RuneDice, unique collectible piece both for dice and runes lovers, designed for our Rune Divination System!!!

Face your Fate!

First Look at the Community Created Character!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 04:49:51 PM

Here you have the survey results from the "Community Created Character"!

Race: Human 31% Jotun 23%
Gender: Male 63%
Age: Adult 52%
Eye Color: Grey 23%
Hair Color: White 44%
Class: Rune Master 19%
Purpose: Neutral 66%
Alignment: Chaotic Honorable 51%

We decided to have an Half-Human Half-Jotun Rune Master!
This is the first concept art!

More Infos (and sketches from Andrea Guardino) coming soon!!!
(the name will be decided with another survey!)

Thank you all 433 Backers for 403% of the funding goal!

Onward To Valhalla! Stretch Goal + Social Achievement
over 4 years ago – Sat, Apr 08, 2017 at 07:18:05 PM

Less than 48 hours passed, and we're 307% Funded with 339 Backers!
Thank you so much, all of this, your love, your passion, is awesome!!!

Now we have the possibility to fill the book with stunning Artworks!!!

The community is growing well and you've unlocked the first Social Achevement!!!
Here you have the Journey To Ragnarok Character Sheet in free download! (both in HD and printer friendly version!)

Once again, thank you so much! You're making it real!



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